Preventive Care Media Toolkit
Please consult the Toolkit User Guide for instructions and best practices for use.
The “Babies and Kids Can’t Wait” campaign materials are available to assist partners in communicating about the importance of general well-child care planning, and covers topics such as preventive care visits, early intervention, child oral health, and immunizations.
Audiences: Families with children ages 0-5, pregnant women
Check back regularly for updated material.

Well child visits are a chance to talk with a trusted and supportive healthcare provider about your child’s physical and emotional development. These videos feature real parents and the providers that support them. Regular medical & dental visits, and staying up to date with routine immunization schedules keeps your child safe, healthy, and sets them up for success later in life.
Tempestt, Raul & Maui
Long Version: English | Spanish
Early Intervention Short: English | Spanish
Community of Care Short: English | Spanish
Senaida y Sylvia (Spanish only)
Long version / Versión completa

Social Media Messages & Images
Social Media Copy (PDF)
Social Media Images (.zip)
These zip archive files contain images to accompany the Social Media text above.
English: Facebook Images (.zip) | Instagram (.zip)
Spanish: Facebook Images (.zip) | Instagram (.zip)

Additional Resources
(For providers) Tips for increased well-child visits (PDF, English)
Healthy Children: The American Academy of Pediatrics Parenting Website.
Check-up checklist and developmental milestones for all ages English | Spanish
Vaccinate your family: Protecting people of all ages
Information about vaccines, schedule, and common questions English | Spanish
Oral Health: Dental Health and Hygiene for Young Children
Information about teaching good dental habits and starting early English | Spanish